Photo of Embothrium coccineum flower by Velela

Photo by Velela

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Buy Embothrium coccineum

Also Known As

  • Chilean Firebush

Plant type



  • H: 12'-30'
  • W: 8'-15'

planting zones

  • 8a-11

1 gallon bagged root ball | $41

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Fewer than 29 at Gossler Farms

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Embothrium coccineum plant details

Embothrium coccineum is a slow-growing broadleaf evergreen tree with blue and green foliage. In spring orange and red flowers emerge. Attracts hummingbirds. Grows well with sun and even moisture - regular water. Does well in acidic, average and well-drained soil.

CHARACTERISTICS OF Embothrium coccineum

Plant type: tree
Plant family: proteaceae
Foliage: evergreen blue and green
Mature size: 8 FT - 15 FT - wide, 12 FT - 30 FT - tall
Flowers: orange and red blooms in spring
Uses: small tree

GROWING CONDITIONS for Embothrium coccineum

USDA Zones: 8a - 11
Sun exposure: sun
Watering frequency: even moisture - regular
Soil needs: acidic, average and well-drained

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Nursery contributed plant descriptions

The Chilean Fire Bush is simply stunning when in bloom. The mandarin orange flowers are tubes that flex and peel black. Please don't waste your time or money if you want to try outside western Oregon, Washington or northern coastal California. If the plant finds its going across the cascades, it will die. Not the easiest plant but when happy it is truly amazing.
The Chilean flametree is stunning in late spring/early summer when it covers itself with bright scarlet flowers, tiny red ribbons. This protea relation is an excellent garden plant, evergreen in mild winters, deciduous when the temperature spends any time in the teens F. A slender tree, to 25 ft eventually in full to part sun, with regular water. Loves cool ground so best in a north aspect and/or with ground covering plants to protect the roots. No phosphorous fertilizer! Cold hardy to USDA zone 7b.
A show stopping native to Chilean and Argentinian temperate forests with dark gray, speckled bark, and deep bluish-green, semi-evergreen foliage. The real show stoppers are the long, bright red, tubular flower clusters, which bloom in late spring and last for a month or more. These hummingbird magnets will generally reach a height of about 15 feet by 6 feet wide, though occasionally in the right conditions may grow to be much larger. Some shade is appreciated in hotter climates of The South, and fertilizers should be strictly avoided.
Large shrub or small multi trunked tree 15’ tall and 10’ wide, semi-evergreen (if temps dip into the teens, it loses its leaves); the foliage on this woody is rather non descript, but when it blooms in May June it is covered in jaw dropping flaming scarlet flowers from top to bottom! Woo Hoo! Behold the drama queen…not to be ignored! This fun plant enjoys a cool root run like Clematis and a sunny warm exposure on top (a little shade in SoCal, Texas and hot environs). NO PHOSPHOROUS in the fertilizer - it can be deadly.
Bright flame-red flowers May-June, protect from wind. Avoid phosphorus fertilizer. Good drainage. Zones 8-10.
Chilean Fire Bush is demanding about its location, but if you qualify, this is a must. The soil should be lime-free, deep and well-drained. The orange scarlet flowers in May and June among blue green (almost-evergreen) leaves are a sight to see. In normal life will get 15' but some giants do exist. zone 7
Native to Australia and South America, the fire bush has long been cultivated in England for its incredible display of color. Evergreen to semievergreen upright shrub or multitrunked tree to 30'. Foliage is a dark, shiny green. It's covered with clusters of bright tangerine-red flowers in spring to early summer. Give it neutral to acid soil and keep it constantly moist, but it resents being too wet. Great for coastal gardens!

By: Greer Gardens Inc.

Our classic all-time Desert Island plant where if we were stranded and could only choose one plant etc. we would be sitting beneath an Embothrium munching a Tyler Street Pesto Savory Scone and drinking a Townsend Bay Pinot Gris. A 4 alarm inferno of flame red flowers.
Legendary fire tree. Semi-evergreen to 50' with screaming red flowers in spring. Hates heat. Lending an entirely new meaning to the term “forest fire,” the legendary Chilean Fire Tree puts on a brilliant show of crimson for a long period in the spring!  My seed has been collected from a Seattle area tree with a more evergreen habit than some.  It prefers cool, moist, acidic soils, and responds well to heavy applications of organic sources of N.  Like all members of the Proteaceae family, it should not be fed with phosphorus except in the most minute quantities.  It thrives in cool, coastal climates.  Hardy to about 5 °F.  DS.
From Chile comes this astonishing, slender, upright tree to 30’ tall & 15’ wide. Hardy down to 10 degrees. In late Spring to early Summer it becomes a solid mass of beautiful, fiery red, tubular flowers held in loose clusters. The deep green, lance shaped foliage is evergreen. A bountiful nectar producer, so hummingbirds are constant visitors. It’s a slow grower for the first two years. You might want to keep it in a container for at least a year. “Chilean Fire Bush” wants deep, loamy, not too rich, well-drained, acidic soil & doesn’t like animal manure. Shelter from cold, drying winds. An outstanding specimen tree.

By: Annie's Annuals & Perennials

Blazing scarlet flowers on this evergreen Chilean tree that reaches 12-15' in our area. Not tolerant of fertilizers with phosphorus.
Upright freely branching. Scarlet flowers.

Gardening facts about Embothrium coccineum plant

How to Grow Embothrium coccineum

  • Sun Exposure

    • sun
  • Water Needs

    • even moisture - regular
  • Soil Needs

    • acidic
    • average
    • well-drained


  • Foliage Color

    • green
    • blue
  • Flower Color

    • red
    • orange
  • Wildlife

    • hummingbirds
  • Flower Season

    • spring
  • Foliage Season

    • evergreen
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