Photo of Dierama pulcherrimum flower by Dancing Oaks Nursery

Photo by Dancing Oaks Nursery

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Buy Dierama pulcherrimum

Also Known As

  • African Harebell
  • Angel's Fishing Rod
  • Wand Flower

Plant type

perennial, bulb / corm / tuber


  • H: 2'-5'
  • W: 2'-3'

planting zones

  • 7a-10b

1 gallon bagged root ball | $19

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30 at Gossler Farms

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Dierama pulcherrimum plant details

Dierama pulcherrimum is a broadleaf semi-evergreen perennial bulb / corm / tuber with green foliage. In spring and summer pink and purple flowers emerge. Features grassy texture. Grows well with sun and even moisture water. Does well in rich and well-drained soil. A good option if you're seeking something verticillium wilt resistant.

CHARACTERISTICS OF Dierama pulcherrimum

Plant type: perennial bulb / corm / tuber
Plant family: iridaceae
Foliage: semi-evergreen green
Mature size: 2 FT - 3 FT - wide, 2 FT - 5 FT - tall
Flowers: pink and purple blooms in spring and summer
Uses: bare root shipping available, container plant, hedge

GROWING CONDITIONS for Dierama pulcherrimum

USDA Zones: 7a - 10b
Sun exposure: sun
Watering frequency: even moisture
Resistant to: verticillium wilt
Soil needs: rich and well-drained

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Nursery contributed plant descriptions

Angel's fishing rod. This South African bulb has 2' grass like foliage year round. The flower stems get 6'-7' tall but arch over at 3'-4'. In late June-July the white pink or purple flowers dangle from these stems. We have had plants damaged at 0° but re-bloom.
Not really a clump grass, but looks and behaves just like one. Grasses typically don't have showy flowers and if they do they tend to be small. Angel's Fishing Wand looks very much like a clump grass but is actually a member of the Iris family with unusual trumpet-shaped flowers. The flowers hang from tall stems and point down slightly, displaying their bright pink color from wispy thread-like stems. This is a fantastic addition to any landscape as a much more colorful replacement for a clump grass. The leaves are evergreen and tough enough that deer don't like to eat it, but soft enough that they blow in the wind and make the clumps look a little bit fluffy.
Unlike a lot of other clumping perennials, this plant actually does best long term without dividing it every few years. Usually you have to divide most perennials every 3-5 years to keep them flowering heavily, but Angel's Fishing Wand will flower heavily even when untouched for decades.

Propagating Angel's Fishing Wand is easily done by separating the corms (like a bulb) in early spring before the new growth. Prune the tops back to about four inches after dividing to encourage quick regrowth and recovery.
Wiry grass-like stems branch at the apex and produce showers of perfectly formed bells in bright magenta. Beautiful on the edge, corner or possibly at a turning point in a path so you can stop and stare! Likes a sunny spot with good drainage and extra summer moisture.
Like a kinetic sculpture in the wind, this Dierama's elegant pink bellflowers dangle from strong, wiry stems that arch above its stiff, linear foliage. As a specimen against a darker background or on a slope, Dierama pulcherrimum will bring drama to your garden.
One of the common names for Dierama is 'Angel's Fishing Pole. The purple flowers hang like bells from long upright wands and are followed by golden seed pods which are also striking. At Whitman Farms, we don't grow many perennials, but I cling to this one. zone 7
Dierama has unmatched elegance with evergreen grass-like foliage, and in summer, tall spikes of pendulous pink flowers favored by hummingbirds. Plant in well-drained soil in full sun. Leave undisturbed for best flowering. 4-5 ft. at maturity.
(Fairy Fishing Rod) A clumping, evergreen, cormous perennial. Narrow, sword-like foliage, rises in fans from underground corms. At any time through the year, slender, wiry, arching stems, from which hang, along its length, dainty, baby pink bells, with red hearts marked in the throat. Takes time to establish after transplanting, otherwise extremely tough.

By: Zephs

Grows in large clumps, producing a fountain of long, arching stems with large bells. This particular group will bloom in different shades of mid-pink. For well drained soils but does appreciate some summer water.
Perennial evergreen with stiff, sword-like 2' leaves rising from renewable corms. Arching stems to 3' or more hold pendulous, bell-shaped flowers in a range of vivid colors, from purple to magenta-pink and even white. Prefer full sun and well-drained soils that should be kept moist when plants are actively growing. Little care required once established. Hardy to 25F. Tropical and Southern Africa.
Lovely South African irid with nearly evergreen foliage appearing as a delicate grass, to 18" tall, with 4–6 ft wands bearing pleasing, often salmon-pink flowers at the ends. Each stem produces flowers for several weeks to several months, depending on the season, adding wonderful movement to any garden as they sway in the breeze. Given their wild habitat in damp meadows and near seeps, occasional deep irrigation in the summer is beneficial. These collections become deciduous below 10F, USDA zone 8, but should be quite frost hardy in zone 6 with a bit of mulch.
Blooms: spring-summer, long arching stems w/ pink-purple bells/ semi-evergreen grass like foliage Zone 7-9. 2'-5', Sout Africa, part shade-sun, moist, well drained
In mid to late summer, arching stems carry the rosy purple, nodding bells of this beautiful (but tender) plant above the 3' grass-like mound of leaves. Sun/Med
Few plants rival the grace & beauty of a mature “Angel’s Rod” in full bloom, with its many arching stems, 4’-6’ tall, bearing pendulous, flaring, trumpet shaped flowers. The seed for these plants was given to us by Strybing Arboretum in San Francisco, from plants which bloomed rich, violet-purple. The long, slender, grass-like foliage grows densely to about 2’ tall & wide & is evergreen in mild Winter areas. Beautiful atop a wall, used in a hedge, in a container or as a Spring blooming specimen. Dieramas like rich, moist soil & full sun.

By: Annie's Annuals & Perennials

The most common and easiest to grow putting on a reliable show. These are seedlings ranging from pale pink to deep pink. 5' tall wiry stems. Very graceful.
Pendant spikes of tubular-bell-shaped magenta-pink flowers. Full sun.

Gardening facts about Dierama pulcherrimum plant

How to Grow Dierama pulcherrimum

  • Sun Exposure

    • sun
  • Water Needs

    • even moisture
  • Soil Needs

    • well-drained
    • rich
  • Special Situation

    • verticillium wilt resistant


  • Foliage Color

    • green
  • Flower Color

    • pink
    • purple
  • Flower Season

    • spring
    • summer
  • Foliage Season

    • semi-evergreen
  • Texture

    • grassy
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