Photo by Conifer Kingdom
Used with permission, all rights reserved.
Taxus x media 'Hicksii' is a moderate-growing, slow-growing evergreen conifer shrub or tree with green foliage. In spring flowers emerge Flowers are not showy, but nurture a healthy ecosystem as wildlife habitat. followed by red fruit. Grows well with sun - shade and even moisture - regular water. Adapts to various soil conditions. Does well in alkaline and well-drained soil. A good option if you're seeking something pollution tolerant, seaside / salt tolerant and verticillium wilt resistant.
By: Conifer Kingdom
By: Forestfarm
This sturdy evergreen shrub is an excellent choice for an evergreen hedge or privacy screen. With its ability to grow well in both full sun and full shade, the yew remains a popular hedge in a variety of climates throughout the U.S.There are a number of immediate benefits to choosing the yew for your next hedge:
Lush foliage makes a fantastic privacy screen
Stays healthy in sun and shade
Grows well in a wide range of soils
Its evergreen needle-like leaves take well to pruning
With long upright branches, the yew has a distinctive column-shaped habit that creates a uniquely attractive hedge row.
The yew prefers moist sandy loams, but it does not grow well in overly wet environments.
In England, the semi-toxic yew was once relegated to growing only churchyards, where cows were unable to graze on the shrub. Interestingly, and perhaps unfortunately for gardeners today, deer are both attracted to the yew and can eat its leaves without harm.
The shrub is popular in the northern regions of the United States, as it grows well in cool and shady climates.
The yew is evergreen, maintaining a deep olive color throughout the year in many different climates.
With a slow growth rate of less than 1 foot per year, the yew is an easy hedge to maintain for long periods of time.
As it’s resilient to salt and pollution, Hicksii is a fantastic choice for yards in coastal or urban areas.
By: Instant Hedge
By: Garden World
By: Fantastic Plants
By: Cistus Nursery
By: Lazy S'S Farm Nursery
By: Greer Gardens Inc.
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