Photo of Acer palmatum 'Ornatum' foliage by Karelj

Photo by Karelj

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Buy Acer palmatum 'Ornatum'

Also Known As

  • Acer palmatum dissectum 'Ornatum'
  • Ornatum Japanese Maple

Plant type



  • H: 10'-18'
  • W: 12'-24'

planting zones

  • 6a-9b

1 gallon | $42.8

Avail in US except West Coast, HI/AK

Fewer than 1 at Maples N More Nursery

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Acer palmatum 'Ornatum' plant details

Acer palmatum 'Ornatum' is a broadleaf deciduous tree with bronze and red foliage. Attracts beneficial insects and birds. Grows well with sun - mostly shade and even moisture - regular water. Does well in average, rich and well-drained soil. A good option if you're seeking something humidity tolerant.

CHARACTERISTICS OF Acer palmatum 'Ornatum'

Plant type: tree
Plant family: sapindaceae
Foliage: deciduous bronze and red
Mature size: 12 FT - 24 FT - wide, 10 FT - 18 FT - tall
Uses: fall color, lacy leaves

GROWING CONDITIONS for Acer palmatum 'Ornatum'

USDA Zones: 6a - 9b
Sun exposure: sun - mostly shade
Watering frequency: even moisture - regular
Resistant to: humidity
Soil needs: average, rich and well-drained

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Nursery contributed plant descriptions

Ornatum Japanese Maple has laceleaf leaves with brick red coloring over bright green stems. With midsummer bronze color changing to bright oranges and crimsons in the fall. Ornatum Japanese Maple is best used as an accent piece in your landscape or planted in a container to move your garden closer to you, adding an umbrella structure to your patio.
The seven long, thin, deeply divided and dissected lobes of the leaves of this 6-12' mounder are delightfully different and very eye-catching! Bronzy-red foliage in spring stays reddish all summer before turning bright shades of orange to crimson-red in autumn. All the deep colors contrast so well with the wonderful green bark! PSh-Sh/M
Leaves emerge a rich dark purple aging to a bronze-red. Fall brings a brilliant range in yellow. Grows larger than the rest. Plants can grow 18-feet tall and 25-feet wide in 100 years, so plan ahead and plant wisely! Originated in Europe, one of the oldest varieties.
This tree is popular for its bronze-orange leaf color in spring and early summer. During the late summer months, leaves usually turn bronze green. Fall will bring a blazing display of orange-red. This variety is a very heavy weeper. Over time, it will form a near perfect globe shaped specimen with many branches. This variety is beautiful planted next to a red lace leaf variety, especially in Fall.
DISSECTUM, red. Typical in leaf shape to most dissectum cultivars, this maple is lacy and light. It is an old cultivar and has passed the test of time to prove its excellence. Leaves are an outstanding bronze-red in the spring, very bright when compared to other red foliaged forms. By late summer, the leaves have matured to green and are then ready to put on the fall show of crimson-red. This fine plant grows wider than tall.

By: Greer Gardens Inc.

Gardening facts about Acer palmatum 'Ornatum' plant

How to Grow Acer palmatum 'Ornatum'

  • Sun Exposure

    • sun - mostly shade
  • Water Needs

    • even moisture - regular
  • Soil Needs

    • average
    • well-drained
    • rich
  • Special Situation

    • humidity tolerant


  • Foliage Color

    • red
    • bronze
  • Wildlife

    • beneficial insects
    • birds
  • Foliage Season

    • deciduous
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