Photo of Acer palmatum 'Murasaki-kiyohime' foliage by Almost Eden

Photo by Almost Eden

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Acer palmatum 'Murasaki-kiyohime'

Also Known As

  • Acer palmatum 'Muras. kiyohime'
  • Acer palmatum 'Murasake Kiohime'
  • Acer palmatum 'Murasaki Kiyohime'
  • Murasake Kiohime Japanese Maple

Plant type

tree, shrub


  • H: 4'-8'
  • W: 6'-12'

planting zones

  • 5a-9b

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Acer palmatum 'Murasaki-kiyohime' plant details

Acer palmatum 'Murasaki-kiyohime' is a broadleaf deciduous shrub or tree with bronze, green and red foliage. Attracts beneficial insects and birds. Grows well with sun - shade and even moisture - regular water. Does well in average, rich and well-drained soil. A good option if you're seeking something humidity tolerant.

CHARACTERISTICS OF Acer palmatum 'Murasaki-kiyohime'

Plant type: shrub or tree
Plant family: sapindaceae
Foliage: deciduous bronze, green and red
Mature size: 6 FT - 12 FT - wide, 4 FT - 8 FT - tall
Uses: bonsai, container plant, dwarf, fall color, small tree

GROWING CONDITIONS for Acer palmatum 'Murasaki-kiyohime'

USDA Zones: 5a - 9b
Sun exposure: sun - shade
Watering frequency: even moisture - regular
Resistant to: humidity
Soil needs: average, rich and well-drained

Nursery contributed plant descriptions

Murasaki Kiyohime Japanese Maple emerges with yellow leaves with a stunning purple-red edge. Leaves mature to solid green in the summer. This maple has fall colors of gold and orange shades. Murasaki Kiyohime Japanese Maple makes a magnificent bonsai tree because of its dwarf habits.
Little known but most desirable, this dwarf form in the 'yatsubusa' group is slow-growing and twiggy to 3', making an excellent bonsai or container plant and a pretty one, with purple-edged spring leaves and bright gold-orange fall color PSh/M
The new tiny leaves are pale green with a bright red-orange edge. 6' tall x 5' wide, it will give you many interesting bonsai possibilities if that is your bent, or it can be happy in a large pot. Though short, it does not weep and is dense with branches. (Not about the fall color.)
Small, five-lobed leaves emerge yellow-green with a striking, broad purple-red edge. Leaves mature to a solid green. Fall colors are gold and orange shades. An excellent choice for bonsai. In a garden planting give it room to spread.
Acer palmatum 'Murasaki kiyohime' is a vigorous dwarf whose small light green leaves emerge bright green with red margins in the spring. Leaves turn glossy and dark green with purple-red margins by summer. This is a great dwarf palmatum for bonsai or landscape!
An Almost Eden exclusive! This green-leaved Dwarf Japanese Maple has proven to be quite tolerant to shaping and pruning and the hot Southern Summers even in Full sun! Reliably provides fall colors of glowing orange, reds, and yellows, even in zone 8B. Reddish bronze new growth develops into a soft green. Our tree is kept pruned into a bowl-cut form and is about 8'H x 10-12'W.
Red-purple edges on green leaves, fall gold-orange, good in containers, Hardy USDA zones 5-8
This shrubbly little dwarf has small green 5-lobed leaves that are distinctly purple rimmed when they first come out. Zone 5.
DWARF, green. A dwarf cultivar, this plant is not widely known and should be grown more. The deeply divided leaves are light yellow-green, edged with striking bright red-purple. Little by little, the leaves become solid green in summer. When autumn arrives, the foliage becomes gold and orange. It is a multiple branched, twiggy grower, and is an excellent plant for the alpine garden, bonsai culture or patio container. A very attractive dwarf!

By: Greer Gardens Inc.

Gardening facts about Acer palmatum 'Murasaki-kiyohime' plant

How to Grow Acer palmatum 'Murasaki-kiyohime'

  • Sun Exposure

    • sun - shade
  • Water Needs

    • even moisture - regular
  • Soil Needs

    • average
    • well-drained
    • rich
  • Special Situation

    • humidity tolerant


  • Foliage Color

    • red
    • bronze
    • green
  • Wildlife

    • beneficial insects
    • birds
  • Foliage Season

    • deciduous
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