Photo of Cornus controversa 'Variegata' form by Daderot

Photo by Daderot

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Buy Cornus controversa 'Variegata'

Also Known As

  • Giant Dogwood
  • Wedding Cake Tree

Plant type



  • H: 20'-30'
  • W: 25'-30'

planting zones

  • 6a-9b

1 gallon bagged root ball | $81

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Fewer than 24 at Gossler Farms

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Cornus controversa 'Variegata' plant details

The tiers! Oh, the tiers. Those hard-to believe horizontal branches... isn't nature marvelous and astounding? There's something magical about a tree that brings its own touch of sculptural formality and order to the garden, without a single snip from the pruners. White flowers in spring are icing on the cake, and songbirds visit the black fruit later in the year. What a statement.

Cornus controversa 'Variegata' is a slow-growing broadleaf deciduous tree with green, variegated and white foliage. In summer white flowers emerge followed by black and blue fruit. Grows well with sun - mostly shade and regular - occasional water. Adapts to various soil conditions. Does well in acidic, average, rich and well-drained soil. A good option if you're seeking something verticillium wilt resistant.

CHARACTERISTICS OF Cornus controversa 'Variegata'

Plant type: tree
Plant family: cornaceae
Foliage: deciduous green, variegated and white
Mature size: 25 FT - 30 FT - wide, 20 FT - 30 FT - tall
Flowers: white blooms in summer
Uses: dwarf

GROWING CONDITIONS for Cornus controversa 'Variegata'

USDA Zones: 6a - 9b
Sun exposure: sun - mostly shade
Watering frequency: regular - occasional
Resistant to: verticillium wilt
Soil needs: acidic, average, rich and well-drained

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Nursery contributed plant descriptions

The wedding cake dogwood is one our most beautiful trees. Our original tree is 35'-40'. We brought our plant from Holland in the late 70's. The layers of white and green foliage is amazing. The more shade, the more the plant becomes layered.
A rare and wonderful 20-30' tree with sweeping horizontal branching, often called the 'wedding cake' tree due to its open 'stacked' appearance. The leaves are strikingly variegated with a creamy-white border creating one of the most striking ornamental trees out there. The white flowers that grace the spreading branches in May are exquisite. The black fruits also attract songbirds; it would be hard to find a more elegant specimen! S/M
Large leaves are consistently edged in a beautiful creamy-white margin, creating a dramatic appearance to this unusual dogwood. Also known as the Wedding Cake Tree.
A graceful small tree with horizontal branching and silver margined leaves. zone 5
One of the most sophisticated ornamental small trees and a well-grown mature plant is without rival. Broad spreading branches in well-spaced layers superbly display the foliage and lacy white flowers in May which are followed by bird-yummy black fruit. No anthracnose issues.
White and green variegated foliage on lovely horizontal branches that are tiered like a wedding cake. A striking tree as it matures. to 20' or more.

Gardening facts about Cornus controversa 'Variegata' plant

How to Grow Cornus controversa 'Variegata'

  • Sun Exposure

    • sun - mostly shade
  • Water Needs

    • regular - occasional
  • Soil Needs

    • acidic
    • adaptable
    • average
    • well-drained
    • rich
  • Special Situation

    • verticillium wilt resistant


  • Foliage Color

    • variegated
    • white
    • green
  • Flower Color

    • white
  • Fruit

    • blue
    • black
  • Flower Season

    • summer
  • Foliage Season

    • deciduous
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