Photo of Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack Frost' PP13859 flower, foliage by Little Prince of Oregon

Photo by Little Prince of Oregon

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Buy Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack Frost' PP13859

Also Known As

  • Brunnera 'Jack Frost'
  • Jack Frost Silver Siberian bugloss

Plant type

perennial, groundcover


  • H: 12"-18"
  • W: 12"-24"

planting zones

  • 3a-9b

3" | $14

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Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack Frost' PP13859 plant details

Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack Frost' PP13859 is a moderate-growing broadleaf deciduous perennial groundcover with blue, green and variegated foliage. In spring blue flowers emerge. Attracts bees making it an excellent addition to pollinator gardens. Grows well with mostly sun - shade and even moisture - regular water. Adapts to various soil conditions. Does well in average, clay, rich and well-drained soil.

CHARACTERISTICS OF Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack Frost' PP13859

Plant type: perennial groundcover
Plant family: boraginaceae
Foliage: deciduous blue, green and variegated
Mature size: 12 IN - 24 IN - wide, 12 IN - 18 IN - tall
Flowers: blue blooms in spring
Uses: heart-shaped leaves

GROWING CONDITIONS for Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack Frost' PP13859

USDA Zones: 3a - 9b
Sun exposure: mostly sun - shade
Watering frequency: even moisture - regular
Resistant to: deer and rabbit
Soil needs: average, clay, rich and well-drained

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Nursery contributed plant descriptions

With foliage that is completely netted in pure-silver and veined in bright-green, the leaves of this amazing groundcover are a sight to behold! This beautiful 12" mound is topped by delicately beautiful, sky-blue, forget-me-not-like flowers in spring. This delightful perennial was plant of the year in 2012 with good reason! This is a wonderful choice to brighten up a shady corner or spruce up a container. PSh-Sh/M PP13859
Lovely, rugged perennial with heavily silvered, heart shaped foliage laced with green veins forming slowly expanding clumps about a foot tall and 18-24" wide.  Baby blue flowers in mid-spring resemble forget-me-nots.  Part to full shade, average soil, con
Heart shaped leaves of fearless silver and mint green with delicate, fragrant, blue flower sprays. Oh, Heartleaf Brunnera, our feelings for you are piling up! This is an easy-to-grow perennial that is the perfect choice for a woodland garden or mass planting. A previous winner of Perennial Plant of the Year. Prefers rich, consistently moist soil. Freely self-seeds.
Has silver heart-shaped leaves all summer. This woodland perennial is lovely most of the year. In late February the rich blue forget-me-not flowers last for weeks. An easy grower with rhododendrons, ferns, etc.
Perfect for adding brightness to shaded parts of the garden; a light blue haze of tiny flowers over durable foliage of silver-crazed porcelain that barely admits its dark green veining. Leaves are attractive for many months. Minimum temperature: -40°F
Silver foliage with green veins...almost glows in your shade garden. Heart shaped leaves. Small, delicate flower clusters appear above foliage in Spring. Growth Rate medium
Brunneras are closely related to forget-me-nots (Myosoitis) and Anchusa. They have beautiful heart-shaped leaves held in an attractive mound and cute forget-me-not-like blue flowers in spring. 'Jack Frost' is one of the best garden plants to be introduced to horticulture in a very long time. It has boldly silver-frosted, heart-shaped leaves which set off the blue flowers to perfection. Selected by the Perennial Plant Association as Perennial Plant of the Year 2012.
Awash in a mercury-like effulgence, broad heart-shaped leaves are etched by light green veins creating the most dramatic crackled ceramic pattern. 'Jack Frost's highly refined silvered persona offsets bronze, green and gold foliage, while sky-blue flowers add a playful lift. A Walters Gardens' introduction that originated from a 'Langtrees's sport, this Brunnera brings sterling accents to the darker corners of your garden. Hardy to zone 4.
A striking foliage plant all summer long! Heart shaped leaves, gloriously marbled with silvery white, are accented by sprays of true blue forget-me-nots in the spring. 15".
Incredible foliage seemingly more suited to something tropical than this hardy beauty brings some glamour into even the most somber shade garden. Sprays of small bright blue flowers are a delight. Good soil that doesn't dry out is best.
Sky blue, forget-me-not flowers and a netted silver overlay on each leaf. Absolutely stunning in the garden from early spring to fall. One of the showiest and most garden worthy plants to come along in a decade. A significant, world-class perennial.

Gardening facts about Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack Frost' PP13859 plant

How to Grow Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack Frost' PP13859

  • Sun Exposure

    • mostly sun - shade
  • Water Needs

    • even moisture - regular
  • Soil Needs

    • clay
    • adaptable
    • average
    • well-drained
    • rich


  • Foliage Color

    • variegated
    • green
    • blue
  • Flower Color

    • blue
  • Wildlife

    • bees
    • deer resistant
    • rabbit resistant
  • Flower Season

    • spring
  • Foliage Season

    • deciduous
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