Photo of Acer griseum bark by Forestfarm

Photo by Forestfarm

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Buy Acer griseum

Also Known As

  • Chinese Paperbark Maple
  • Paperbark Maple

Plant type



  • H: 20'-30'
  • W: 15'-25'

planting zones

  • 5a-9b

1 gallon | $49

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Fewer than 26 at Forestfarm

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Acer griseum plant details

Acer griseum is a moderate-growing, slow-growing broadleaf deciduous tree with green foliage. Flowers are not showy, but nurture a healthy ecosystem as wildlife habitat. Attracts beneficial insects and birds. Grows well with sun - mostly shade and even moisture - occasional water. Adapts to various soil conditions. Does well in average, rich and well-drained soil. A good option if you're seeking something humidity tolerant.


Plant type: tree
Plant family: sapindaceae
Foliage: deciduous green
Mature size: 15 FT - 25 FT - wide, 20 FT - 30 FT - tall
Uses: distinctive bark, fall color, peeling bark, small tree


USDA Zones: 5a - 9b
Sun exposure: sun - mostly shade
Watering frequency: even moisture - occasional
Resistant to: humidity
Soil needs: average, rich and well-drained

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Nursery contributed plant descriptions

The paperbark maple. We have had this plant for 60 years and love it in each season. The bark peels a lovely cinnamon. The new growth can be burgundy then deep green all summer. In fall, the plant roars on fire with red foliage. If ever in Boston, go to Bussey Hall in the Arnold Arboretum and see the 100+ year old tree with a 4' caliper. WOW!
One of the most beautiful of all small trees; this very unusual 20-30 foot maple from Central China has true four-season interest. Remarkable tri-foliate leaves emerge a beautiful copper color in spring before turning a soft green for summer, its spectacular scarlet fall color is unmatched and in winter this tree really shines with its cinnamon red-brown bark which peels in fine strips, especially beautiful with snow or frost on it. A wonderful specimen tree, plant it near a window so that you can admire its splendor. S-PSh/M
Paperbark Maple gets its name from the distinctive peeling bark which persists throughout most of the year. Propagation is difficult and so keeps this plant out of a lot of the nursery trade, but once propagated is quite easy to grow in the landscape and is a very rewarding plant. Paperbark Maple is also surprisingly easy to grow long term in containers or planters, and makes an excellent patio plant. It is also extensively used for bonsai because its lacey bark is prominent even on small trees and because its leaves are smaller than most other maples. The leaves are quite colorful in the fall with their deep wine red color.
Be sure to water your Paperbark Maples through the summer if there is no rainfall.
A slow growing maple with an oval to rounded crown and open habit. Striking cinnamon-brown exfoliating bark. Soft green leaves change to scarlet in fall. Growth Rate slow
With a dignified, rounded form, dramatically flaking mahogany-colored bark that peels to expose the cinnamon hues beneath, and rich green trifoliate leaves that blaze to a brilliant red each fall, China's Paperbark Maple is a splendid specimen for just about any place in your garden. This Maple requires well drained soil, and will tolerate sun, shade or wind, but never drought. Unparalleled for its winter beauty, Acer griseum grows slowly to its full size. Large Band.
Among the rich variety of cultivated maples, this one is highly esteemed for its peeling tissue-thin coppery bark. Leaves turn scarlet and orange in fall. Still not common in the trade; easily grown on to larger size despite its propagation difficulty.
A garden gem. One of the finest trees in cultivation. Rare because it is difficult to propagate, and it is a slow growing juvenile. Grows to 6-8' in ten years 15-30' or more over a long period time. Trifoliate leaves emerge red briefly before turning to a good green. Fall colors are predominately reds, with some orange-red and black-red colors. The bark is a rich reddish-brown in color and exfoliates to reveal a cinnamon colored bark beneath. This creates a superior effect, especially when trees are dormant. Trees mature at 25 - 30' tall. Awards: Award of Merit & Award of Garden Merit from the Royal Horticultural Society, Gold Medal from Pennsylvania Horticulural Society. Recommended by: Ohio Plant Selection Committee, & the United States National Arboretum.

By: Fantastic Plants

Known for its peeling, paper thin, coppery bark. Leaves turn scarlet and orange in fall. Easily grown and happy in zones 5-7.

By: Hoot Owl Hollow Nursery

Paperbark Maple has peeling, papery, rich cinnamon-brown bark and vibrant red fall color. The bark begins peeling on 2 to 3 year old wood. Leaves are tri-foliate. No two specimens are the same. Tolerant of acid or alkaline c lay soils but needs adequate drainage. We also grow as multi-stem, please see attached pricing for availability
This excellent small deciduous ornamental tree features year-round interest with its peeling orange-brown bark, attractive flowers and deep-green foliage. A collector's favorite.
Cinnamon colored peeling bark, green leaves turn red-orange in fall, USDA zones 5-8.
Commonly known as Paperbark Maple because of the bark peeling from a smooth golden trunk, this trifoliate maple which grows slowly to 25' has four season interest, and is lovely in any landscape. zone 5
Magnificent copper bark would be enough, but leaves emerge very hairy in spring, leave bright red in fall. One of the loveliest of all trees.

By: Specialty Ornamentals

A must for anyone excited about the ornamental attributes of exfoliating bark. Layers of copper "paper" curl away from the trunk creating one of the most interesting trunks you'll ever find. Branching is muscular and compact, making a stiff form with an eventually round-headed crown. The leaves are lobed and trifoliate, and the fall color is a brilliantly glowing orange and red -- nothing dull here. This is one provocative small tree! 15-20' tall x 10-15' wide.

Gardening facts about Acer griseum plant

How to Grow Acer griseum

  • Sun Exposure

    • sun - mostly shade
  • Water Needs

    • even moisture - occasional
  • Soil Needs

    • adaptable
    • average
    • well-drained
    • rich
  • Special Situation

    • humidity tolerant


  • Foliage Color

    • green
  • Wildlife

    • beneficial insects
    • birds
  • Foliage Season

    • deciduous
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