Photo of Musa basjoo form by Brian's Botanicals

Photo by Brian's Botanicals

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Musa basjoo

Also Known As

  • Hardy Banana
  • Japanese Fiber Banana

Plant type

tree, perennial


  • H: 15'-20'
  • W: 6'-15'

planting zones

  • 6b-11

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Musa basjoo plant details

Musa basjoo is a fast-growing broadleaf semi-evergreen perennial tree with green foliage. In summer cream flowers emerge followed by yellow fruit. Grows well with sun - mostly shade and even moisture - high water. Does well in rich and well-drained soil. A good option if you're seeking something humidity tolerant and verticillium wilt resistant.


Plant type: perennial tree
Plant family: musaceae
Foliage: semi-evergreen green
Mature size: 6 FT - 15 FT - wide, 15 FT - 20 FT - tall
Flowers: cream blooms in summer
Uses: big leaves, tropical-looking


USDA Zones: 6b - 11
Sun exposure: sun - mostly shade
Watering frequency: even moisture - high
Resistant to: deer, humidity and verticillium wilt
Soil needs: rich and well-drained

Nursery contributed plant descriptions

Create a tropical paradise in your temperate backyard?!... the wonderful bold foliage of this clumping, 12-16' rare, hardy banana is a special treat; in zones 6 and 7, cut back after first frost and mulch. S/M (not dry)
The Hardy Banana, also known as the Japanese Fiber Banana, is a cold hardy banana species native to China and Japan. Known for its remarkable cold tolerance, the roots of the Hardy Banana can survive freezing temperatures down to -10 degrees Fahrenheit, making it easily the hardiest banana species out there. Fast growing, these plants can quickly reach 10 to 15 feet in height, sometimes in a single growing season. While these bananas do fruit, they are not a cultivated variety and the fruit is full of seeds. A must have addition for the temperate garden going for that tropical look. Our plants are very quick growing and are ready to go in the ground. Cold hardy to zone 6a, or to -10 degrees Fahrenheit.
Musa basjoo or Hardy Japanese Banana is a fantastic addition to any landscape because it creates an immediate sense of the tropics, even though the plant is actually quite winter hardy. In fact, this plant will thrive down to zone 5 as long as it is planted in a protected area. To help the plant winter over, cut the whole trunk down to about a foot or two tall in late fall and add some mulch to cover the stump. The following spring, new leaves will emerge from the middle of the trunk and start a new stem all over again. This is because the trunk of a banana tree is not actually a woody trunk, but made up of overlapping leaf stems. Mulching the stump makes a huge difference in the size of the first leaves that will emerge the following spring and the eventual size later that summer.
As the plant ages, it will start to produce new pups from the roots and will form a grove of banana trees. Although it is often regarded as a good potted plant for patios, keep in mind that the trees will get quite large fairly rapidly so give your plant a big enough container.

For best results, grow your hardy banana tree in a sunny but protected area where it can be well watered during the summer. If you have soil that holds a lot of moisture in the winter or is in a low lying area with lots of runoff, consider planting in a raised bed 12-20 inches deep. Fertilize in the spring with a slow release pellet like Osmocote.

On this variety, the fruit are small and inedible so is mainly grown for its ornamental value. Commercially, it is grown for its long fibers

MUSA BAJOO - is a hardy banana from Japan and Korea. We have had plants below 0°F. This year (so far cool) our neighbor has a cluster of fruit on a 15’ spectacular plant. The leaves can get huge with lots of sun.
Musa basjoo, or Japanese Banana, features huge, broadly paddle-shaped, lush green foliage with a tropical appearance. Clusters of small, yellow bananas emerge after the golden-cream flowers open. Be sure to choose a location with plenty of room, sun, moisture and protection from wind. Mulch heavily for winter protection.
If the palm tree is the king of the subtropical garden then bananas must surely be the Queen. Musa basjoo, the hardy japanese fibre banana, adds subtropical flare and drama in spades! Reportedly ground hardy to zone 5 (but don't tell anyone in Ontario!). Maintain height for next season by protecting the stems with an enclosure of leaves or bubble wrap. At the very worst after a cold winter your banana will resprout from the ground.
The Musa Basjoo Banana Tree is the world's most cold hardy banana tree, and can be grown in all 50 states! It is hardy planted in ground to -3°F and with protective mulching it can survive temperatures reaching down to -20°F. The plant has long, slender, bright green leaves and features one of the most beautiful flowering stalks of all banana trees. The Musa Basjoo is an ideal landscape plant, adding a tropical splash wherever it appears, even in cold temperate climates. Musa Basjoo also does very well in containers and makes a good interior plant. Great disease resistance Zones 5 and up great wind resistant.
Imagine growing tropical bananas in your outdoor garden as far north as New England. With this Hardy Banana you'll get a defining tropical look. And, yes with proper mulching, it can withstand temperatures below zero. This extremely vigorous banana grows many feet in a season and in time forms large clumps that can reach up to 13' in height. Also known as the Japanese Fiber Banana, it makes a fine container specimen. If grown inside, it will tolerate varying conditions of temperature and light with ease. Although it does produce bananas, they are inedible. Simple to grow, give it plenty of water, fertilizer and sunlight.
Musa basjoo is cold hardy to -20 degrees when mulched properly. It is the hardiest of all bananas. In warm weather months it can grow up to 2 feet in a week. It's mature height is 18'. It can flower and bear fruits at 10' or whenever it has 35 leaves. The bananas are not edible but the yellow flowers are stunning. ZONE 6
Musa Basjoo is a tough banana species from China and Japan. It is a must have for any hardy tropical grower or anyone wanting a tropical look with low maintenance. This plant grows 10 to 25 feet tall, which makes a enormous statement in any garden. We have grown Musa Basjoo in Louisville, KY for over 12 years in the ground. We suggest cutting the trunks down to around 1 foot tall and mulching over 1 foot with leaves or hard wood mulch. We also recommend growing Colocasia Pink china at the foot of this plant which makes for a very hardy tropical effect. The plant for sale is in a 4 inch pots. Plants Foliage: Green Flowers: Maroon Height: 9 to 15 feet
A clumping plant with many trunks after a few years. A vigorous grower to about 10-18'. A large, creamy yellow bloom emerges after a few years amongst the 2'x6' leaves. Unpalatable fruit form after 25-35 leaves have grown from the trunk. This banana will die back in areas experiencing freezing in winter, but it will resprout each year, becoming a wonderful tropical banana palm by midsummer. Prefers moist, humus rich soil. Mulch heavily in winter. For faster growth feed regularly with high nitrogen fertilizer.

By: Greer Gardens Inc.

The hardy banana that blazed the trail into the idyllic island in each of us. Bold 8' leaves on clumping plants to 15' tall. Protect from summer wind. Rich moist soil.
Musa basjoo is a species banana native to the Ryukyu Islands off the south coast of Japan. It was introduced to Europe in the 1890's and is popular in both Europe and the USA. It grows to 25' and produces a small uneatable fruit. The leaves grow to 7' long and it makes an excellent structural plant in the garden providing an instant tropical look. It's hardy to around 0 °F without mulch and has survived -20 °F in Nebraska and Massachusetts when mulched with a pile of leaves 2' high. Gallon size plants grow to 6' the first year. Zone 5 with mulch, zone 7 without.

Gardening facts about Musa basjoo plant

How to Grow Musa basjoo

  • Sun Exposure

    • sun - mostly shade
  • Water Needs

    • even moisture - high
  • Soil Needs

    • well-drained
    • rich
  • Special Situation

    • humidity tolerant
    • verticillium wilt resistant


  • Foliage Color

    • green
  • Flower Color

    • cream
  • Wildlife

    • deer resistant
  • Fruit

    • yellow
  • Flower Season

    • summer
  • Foliage Season

    • semi-evergreen
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