Photo of Cardiocrinum giganteum flower, form by Dancing Oaks Nursery

Photo by Dancing Oaks Nursery

Used with permission, all rights reserved

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Cardiocrinum giganteum

Also Known As

  • Cardiocrinum giganteum v. giganteum
  • Giant Himalayan Lily

Plant type

perennial, bulb / corm / tuber


  • H: 7'-14'
  • W: 3'-5'

planting zones

  • 6a-8b

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Cardiocrinum giganteum plant details

Cardiocrinum giganteum is a broadleaf deciduous perennial bulb / corm / tuber with green foliage. In spring and summer white flowers emerge. Features glossy texture. Grows well with mostly sun - shade and even moisture water. Does well in rich and well-drained soil. A good option if you're seeking something verticillium wilt resistant.

CHARACTERISTICS OF Cardiocrinum giganteum

Plant type: perennial bulb / corm / tuber
Plant family: liliaceae
Foliage: deciduous green
Mature size: 3 FT - 5 FT - wide, 7 FT - 14 FT - tall
Flowers: white blooms in spring and summer
Uses: big leaves, cutting garden, fragrant, textural

GROWING CONDITIONS for Cardiocrinum giganteum

USDA Zones: 6a - 8b
Sun exposure: mostly sun - shade
Watering frequency: even moisture
Resistant to: verticillium wilt
Soil needs: rich and well-drained

Nursery contributed plant descriptions

Up to 20 GIANT (6-8") fragrant white trumpet flowers top these GIANT (5-12' and as thick as a person?s arm) stalks above GIANT (18") glossy dark green basal leaves... STRIKING! Plant just below the surface. PSh-Sh/M/GDr
Glossy green, red-veined hosta-like leaves feed a mega-bulb that supports a tower of fragrance that wafts considerable distance on the breeze. The parent bulb will die once it flowers, but the offset will bloom in the following year - and on it goes. 10" white trumpets with soft red landing streaks, as many as 20, adorn this 7 - 14 foot stalk! Huge, toothed seed pods and stalk dry wonderfully and mystify all who are unfamiliar! Here's a plant everyone will covet! You can tell them it comes from the mid-elevations of the Himalayas - exotic but used to the cold. Imagine slogging through miles of bracken, leaches, and mud to come upon this spectacular sight, as the plant explorer, Frank Kingdon-Ward did. And you don't have to withstand the leaches! Rich, moist soil and light shade are ideal; plant with the nose of the bulb above soil line. Protect growing tip from frost with straw, etc. If desired, divide after it's late June bloom.Minimum temperature: -10°F
The famous and incredible Himalayan Giant Lily. This will top out at around 8 to 14 feet in height when it pushes its amazing flowering stalk into the air. The foliage is reminiscent of a large glossy green hosta which attains greater and greater proportions as the massive bulb gains strength year after year. At around 6 to 8 years, the flowering stalk shoots upwards, bearing numerous huge white and highly fragrant lily flowers, each with a broad red flush in the tube. Definitely one of the highlights in the early summer garden. Quite adaptable in the garden but best in a rich, moist soil in light shade although tolerant of full sun if kept moist enough. The tallest flowering stems are attained when kept well fed and watered. (
Thick stems from six to ten feet hold large, white, intensely fragrant trumpets with burgundy throats that will tower above your shade garden and be the inspiration for a hastily arranged garden party! This lily takes seven years to bloom from seed and then dies, leaving behind bulblets that will bloom in two to three years. Until flowering they resemble a large shiny hosta. Plant a few bulbs each year to establish your colony. This year we have bulbs of various sizes for various budgets.
What a colossal beauty, one that you must woo a bit before dancing. Requiring some afternoon shade here in Oregon and a lot of slug bait for several years while building up strength, finally when the waltz starts you will know. Grown well in rich soil and well irrigated these will commonly top 12 ft. in blossom in June and early July. Large, pendulous, red-throated white flowers will occupy the top 2 ft. of this green stemmed variant. The main bulb will die the winter after flowering but will also have grown several bulblets. Best in cool maritime climates, zone 7-10.
Blooms: spring-summer, white trumpet, red-purple throat/ deciduous, early new growth, large glossy Zone 7-9. 5'-10', China, part shade-sun, moist, well drained
Giant Himalayan Lily. Outrageous Lily family member which can reach 14' high in flower with huge 10" long Easter Lily white flowers flushed purple in the throat. This combined with an intoxicating fragrance is an event that demands a party with plenty of sparkling wine. Plant shallow, rich & moist.

Gardening facts about Cardiocrinum giganteum plant

How to Grow Cardiocrinum giganteum

  • Sun Exposure

    • mostly sun - shade
  • Water Needs

    • even moisture
  • Soil Needs

    • well-drained
    • rich
  • Special Situation

    • verticillium wilt resistant


  • Foliage Color

    • green
  • Flower Color

    • white
  • Flower Season

    • spring
    • summer
  • Foliage Season

    • deciduous
  • Texture

    • glossy
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